I’m not talking about independents or the T party. I talking about those of us who feel a little like democrats and a little like republicans. Why is there a line that can’t be crossed? I want to be a republocrat! I think our fore fathers we’re smart and we should build our society on their foundation.
I’m not an overly smart guy but I do have a few ideas.
Freedom although not free should be freedom:
1. People should be in charge of their own body and to heck what others think. Women want an abortion that’s their business not mine or the countries or the state, she has to deal with the consequences of her actions, who are we to tell her she can’t.
2. Someone wants to get paid for having sex, I say why not? I’m married so I pay daily for what I get monthly.
3. Give gay’s the same right too. Why shouldn’t they be as miserable as the rest of us, let em get married!
4. Guns don’t kill people- people kill people. I say give everyone a gun, if you don’t want it then you can be a victim. We should be free not to be a victim if we so choose.
5. Let’s go back to the first 10 laws and start over. The old line “Ignorance is no excuse” doesn’t work anymore. There are so many laws that even lawyers that went to school for years don’t know them all. Some laws conflict with each other so bad no one can tell what’s legal anymore!
You murder you die, let the family push the button. You steal you lose a hand, you lie you lose a tongue, you screw your nebors wife you have to keep her.
6. Make drugs legal, tax them and make a place for idiots to use them, like bars. Boom solved so many problems at once, no more smuggling, no more gangs, no more over crowed jails!
7. Stop illegal immigration. Okay I know people don’t want to be asked “papers please” but do you not have to show your drivers license when you get stopped for speeding? Crossing the border without permission is criminal everywhere in the world including here. Use the space freed up in the jail by #5 to put repeat crossers in and make their family feed them or let them starve. Word gets out and people will stop coming. Personally I say make it an act of war and shoot them on the spot, hey they shoot at us so we should get to shoot back. Oh and the people that are pissed by this and want equal rights should go see if you get equal rights in that country.
Just a few thoughts to get you thinking if anyone reads this I say viva la revolution!
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